The Porch Project

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In September of 2006, after noticing quite a bit of rot in the porch structure, we decided to go ahead and replace it before the snow started.

I finished the 10' x 20' main porch in less than 2 weeks, working evenings and weekends.

This first set of images are from that first replacement.

August 13th - Just starting out. Here, I am contemplating whether I really want to do this or not. Hmm... OK, one more cup of coffee and I'll be ready.

Railing has been removed. Wow! That was easy! Maybe this won't be so hard after all.

Removing the old decking. It was amazing how many of the deck boards came up without the need for the pry bar! I just lifted them right up! OK, maybe a bit too easy!!!

Removing more of the old decking. Notice that there are only about 3 1/2 deck boards left. Now, that's a little scary to walk on, so I'll have to do the rest from underneath.

August 14th - Down come the joists. OK, this is getting tricky. I had to make sure that the joists didn't just flop down and bounce into the lower sliding glass door.

More joists coming down. I saved the last deck board to be removed after the joists. This was to keep from damaging the door runner. Those wires are the tv cable that had to be detached from the deck joists before they were removed. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the SciFi channel to keep me entertained!

The porch has been reduced to pile of rubble.

August 15th - All that's left is one joist and a pole to hold it up. There are two vent pipes that must be supported until the new deck is installed.

Another view with the deck removed. (part 2)

Some of the wood was good enough to use for a workbench. Notice I still had to use a rotted piece for my temporary workbench.

Some more of the wood will be stored to put Paula's and her Mom's furniture on to keep it off the garage floor when they are moving.

The rubble has all been cleaned up and put in my truck to be delivered to the dump some time this week.

Stay tuned! The new deck materials will be delivered on Tuesday, and the construction begins!

August 16th - OK! The porch stuff has arrived. Later, I found that they sent the wrong decking material. But, easily fixed.

August 20th - Here I go, putting this porch back together. It's 8:30am on Saturday.

The joists are going back up!! I am using joist hangers and pressure-treated wood.

Now we're talkin'! Lag bolts into the wall, joist hangers, and everything cut nice and snug.

More joists have gone up. Once I got a routine going, this got MUCH easier. Sophie is down there checking out my work.

Oh my goodness those boards are HEAVY!!! It rained the other day, so the wood I got from the lumber yard is soaked. It's now 8:00pm and I am pooped! I'll pick this up again in the morning.

August 21 (Happy Birthday Big Brother!!!!!) - OK, it's 9:30am and I think I am ready to get started. It's supposed to get up to 93 today. OUCH!

All the joists are up!! Now comes another back-breaker.

OK, now that was not fun! Those decking boards are 16 feet long and heavy too! But, they are all up there and ready to be cut and screwed into place. It's now 90 degrees out, and I am pooped. Time to call it a day.

7:15pm and the end of another day working on this porch. I'm ready for a hot shower, a back massage and a margarita!! OK, I'll have to settle for a hot shower and a margarita, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

August 24th - This evening, I added "Y" braces (thank you Little Brother for the info!).

I added the "Y" braces to add horizontal stability to the outside sway of the deck.

I also added corner bracing to all 4 corners.

The end of another day. During the weekdays, I can only work on this in the evenings and lunch, so I can't get too much done until the weekend.

August 26th - Yesterday evening, I was able to get almost half of the decking screwed down. So, I set my table and one chair out so I could enjoy my deck last night. Hey Mom, notice that the boards end on the joists?

August 27th - Alrighty! I have the sides trimmed on the decking and all of the 4x4 posts are in for the railing!! Things are starting to really take shape. I was going to notch the posts for the 2x4's that will hold the pickets, but notching takes SOOOO much time.

Tomorrow, I hope to have this all done! It's supposed to rain on Monday, so I would like to have it finished before that hits. Wish me luck!

August 28th - I'll start off the day with a little painting.

The picket supports are up and I am starting to get the pickets installed. MAN! This is a whole lot of up and down the ladder!

OK, I give up! It's 90 degrees out here, and I'm cooking!

Now that I have the supports installed, and everything painted and ready to install, I should be able to get these pickets all installed by the end of the week.

September 10th - The pickets are all installed and the lattice is up. It's starting to look like a real porch now. I only have the corners left to finish.

Alright! Time to get started on the second half of the porch replacement. We are beginning on September 15, 2018 and hope to be finished by the time snow gets here.

September 15th - Just starting out. Here is what it starts out looking like.

September 15th - Started tearing it apart.

September 18th - Removed most of the porch so far.

September 22th - Removed the rest of the porch at the end. But, as you can see I had a little boo-boo when the porch was coming down. It twisted and fell back towards the house and broke the outside pane of the glass. Oops!

September 22th - Removed the rest of the porch and the ledger board from the house.

Please stay tuned as I work to rebuild it. We have decided to use exotic wood for the new porch decking and rails. I'll keep that a secret for now.

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